Aaaand……..she’s back……

Hello again!    I’m back.   Allow me to catch you up to speed.

I met a nice guy…..who fell in love with me within two weeks.   I freaked out a bit, though managed to hang in there for two months – he was a nice guy!   I really liked him but I had no butterflies.  Judge if you must, but, I need butterflies – I’m not in such desperate need of a partner that I will be with someone just because he likes/loves me.   This is a good thing I’ve learned about myself.  Yea, me……right?

So, a little more info about where I’m at right now…..I just moved from my house of 12 years…into a tiny tiny tiny apartment.  I left everything behind except my bed.   Yep – brand new start.  My daughter found her own place, so for the first time in 24 years……I’m alone.     I’ve left my house, my daughter and my wonderful neighbors/best friends.   Talk about change…..

Let the coping begin……

So, I’m back online waiting for the guy that knocks my socks off.   I’m trying a site you have to pay for that is a little more reputable than the one I was on before.  Time will tell if there is any truth to that.

I hope I haven’t lost all of you – sorry about the break.   But……I’m baaaaaack!    Put on those shoes…..I think we’re off for another adventure.  🙂

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